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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life, a cocktail

A walk down memory lane

Revisiting all the trials and triumphs

Gazing at the detours and diversions

Thinking about how different life could have been

For better or worse, with different combination of choices

Life after all is a cocktail

The final product owes it to the quantity

And quality of the items we use

And also the timing we use them in....

Science says sweat is salty

Experience says otherwise

For sweating at the right time

Makes life sweet

But it is just one ingredient and not the final drink

Life after all is a cocktail

And it would just be plain water

Without our laughter and tears

These are what give it taste and make life worth living

I’ve had my share of ingredients in my cocktail

Some sweet and some not so

Like every fellow drinker, my cocktail changes taste

From one day to the next or at times with every minute

Every sniff of air adds a new taste

Life after all is a cocktail

I’ve savored those moments when it’s been sweet

And tried to abstain when it turned bitter

But this, this ever-changing elixir is the key to survival...

So my fellow drinker, as we stop together

To have a drink in the pub of Time

Remember that joy and sorrow are close friends

And always go hand in hand

One does not exist without the other

Life is after all a cocktail of these two

Running away from either ruins the taste of the drink

And trying to add too much of either makes it worse

So enjoy the drink as its presented and live life to the fullest............

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