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Friday, December 30, 2011

Contra Natura

Luminance covering Lucifer, his pitchfork dripping white,
The tempter entered into my life in the guise of an Angel.
Along came happiness, love and bliss, or so I thought.
It was spring in Eden, and winter in Pandemonium,
Roses lined the streets; rainbows paved the roads I walked on;
At every turn a pot, of laughter and joy, the melody of a duet.
We danced to the tune, round and round, on the world’s dance floor,
The music continued; I was dizzy with ecstasy, danced and stumbled.
Embarrassed and pride shorn, I waited for her to pick me up, save face;
Wrinkles on my bald head; grey hair where it was left, and yet,
I was still on the ground, with the music a monotone, and me, alone.
The bright butterflies that drifted past, a colourless memory now,
Alone I was born, alone I had been, and alone I am, but no more;
The memory of what had been is still fresh; the colourful butterflies,
The melodies of youth, the pleasure of a bedmate long gone, but alive,
In the petals of a shrivelled rose, in the broken bow of seven colours.
My road is a thorn bed now, bedmates finding new homes
In the crevices of my withering feet. Lucifer in silhouette,
Laughs at me, seeing me writhe and squirm, in the fires
Of the Lake of my failure. Fires of my own love, burning me,
Twisting and turning in pain, I hear, him with the horns,
On how chalk and cheese stay separate, as do oil and water;
That love can build bridges of passion, fiery passion,
That burns the heart it burns from. All that is left, is one,
Suffering alone, hearing the monotone, the monotonous
Cackle of love and other demons.


  1. Remarkable ..... How can someone be a diplomat and yet so romantic?

  2. It is difficult for a layman like me to describe in flowery words how beautifully every piece of poetry on this blog has been written. Keep writing and do publish your work :)

  3. Hmm.. :) Thank you for those generous words of praise. Working on getting it published. Thank you.

  4. Jey dee. Good one. I was wondering if a slight change in the order of words would give some carnal undercurrent to the poem. How does 'it was winter in Eden and spring in pandemonium' sound?

  5. its effortlessly beautiful and painful at the same time..
