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About Me : Still trying to find out...will let u guys know when I find out...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Night it was....

Night, my dear,
Night when darkness is near,
Night when words fade and thoughts rise,
Night when the day dies,
Night, it was when we parted,
Night, it was as the fog hid you from me,
Night, it was when I cried in the rain,
Night, when I wish I died of pain,
Night, that kills all light,
Night, that kills all life,
Night, when my life got dark,
Night, when you kissed me the long kiss goodnight...


  1. Night, it was. Very relatable. *sniff*

  2. Night it was, when the moon shone, a reminder of the nights that were.

  3. Night has wings or so it seems,
    where thoughts fly and fantasies rule,
    a smidgen of doubt takes root.

    Thoughts without a thinker like a dreamer watching his dreams,
    lines get blurred and shadows speak,
    under the veil of stars
    u leave it alone, u surrender all.

    The blue moon above bespoke joy.. echoes of love lifting smoke rings,
    Alas, love spoke: Be here Now
    for thats all she can give..

    Dawn of hope and stolen kisses..
    the tender rustling of the stars blue river,
    u leave a kiss, a delicate shiver,
    the blush of morn,
    the night that was, or was it a dream?
