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About Me : Still trying to find out...will let u guys know when I find out...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walk on the Beach

As I place my feet forward and take every step
The sharp sand particles feel like pins
Those hurt my feet and make me bleed....
I go back to the times when these same sands
Pillowed and cushioned my feet.

Maybe because in those days, the sands ignored me,
Being intoxicated by your touch upon them,
For then, whenever I looked back, I saw
Two pairs of feet on them, leaving marks on the sand,
And now, just one lonely pair.

The sea waters are no longer sweet as they used to be,
Increasing my thirst every time I bend down to taste them,
I cannot have enough of them to quench my thirst,
Reminding your presence by my side, in my life,
I could never have enough and begged time to stop.

Time has stopped alright, though a lot later
Than what I might have hoped or prayed for,
I stand frozen in time, frozen quite literally too,
The breeze has become a blizzard, a cold cruel one,
An overwhelming chill passes through my spine.

The wind that blows by, brings goose bumps,
Knives of ice pierce my bones, in hundreds
The cold chill makes me shiver and sweat,
Cold knives on sweaty palms, I yell in pain,
And yet, my call remains unanswered.

The sunlit waters of the sea appear warm
And inviting. I step closer, hopeful
That your warmth may have passed over to them,
And my hopes are washed away by the waves,
With water colder than the heart of Fate.

But I still stand in these waters, and observe,
As wave after wave brings water and takes it back,
Just like it takes water and brings it back,
I live with the hope, that it will bring back what it took.
I live to see it bringing you back to me....


  1. Just a gentle suggestion - you should invest more time in writing poems than prose.
